Bon en bon anglais on dit "South by Southwest". C'est quoi ? Une conférence dédiée a la musique et au média qui existe depuis 1987... C'est tellement vieux qu'on ne sait plus ce que ca veut dire SXSW.
Bon je ne suis pas reste longtemps (Geektrip#6 oblige...) mais j'avais un peu de gens a rencontre pour le Pre LeWeb 2010 (2 jours de rencontres de l'écosystème startup et techno avec quelques Geeks et experts US...), mais aussi pour préparer l'annonce de la version US de TellMeWhere...
Bon c'est quoi TellMeWhere ? C'est un guide personnalise pour découvrir avec son iPhone (restaurants, boutiques...) avec cartes a l'appui ou qu'on se trouve dans le monde, que l'on peut partager avec ses amis...
Enfin Renaud Edouard-Barraud me demande ce que je fais, la, voici la réponse en image... Merci Renaud !
Bon, si au passage quelqu'un sait pourquoi les codes embarques de vidéo Youtube ne marchent plus sur Typepad, faites moi signe. Après on va me dire que c'est facile de bloguer... On a autre chose a faire que passer 10 minutes pour faire qu'un truc marche sur Internet. Et on parle de web2.0, faudrait déjà délivrer des trucs simples... et qui marchent.
Ça c'est pour le coup de gueule du jour. Je vais aller me détendre au jacuzzi tiens.
Bon, on va y aller. A force d'avoir attendu le dernier moment, le billet va me couter un bras et un passage via San Diego pour aller me perdre au milieu du Texas, entoure de Geeks en furie. Ils ont pris tous les billets au depart de San Francisco les bougres !
SXSW, c'est un peu comme le Mobile World Congress : de la conf (bon on s'assied et on ecoute), le pretexte de faire du business, des meetings (tout le monde sera la, c'est sur, c'est le Saint-Tropez du moment, mais sans la mer...) pour s'assurer une bonne tranche de soirees. Bon je dis ca c'est sur le papier. Mais en tout cas, a en croire ma boule de cristal Plancast, je me demande a quelle conference aller tellement il y a de Parties (accent de Saint-Trop', toujours) ou d'Events (si quelqu'un peut m'expliquer la difference...). Et meme parmi les Parties, va falloir a arbitrer...
Une Conference qui n'existerait pas sans ses sponsors (c'est ecrit sur le site Web), avec 3 thematiques au tableau : Musique, Interactif et Cinema...
Ca y est, Geraldine et Loic Le Meur viennent d’annoncer les dates de
la prochaine conference en Decembre prochain : les 8 et 9 Decembre !
On a beau dire ce que l’on veut, le couple le
plus celebre d’Internet vont nous ravir une nouvelle
annee en organisant leur conference fetiche. Bonnes nouvelles aussi
pour les sceptiques et les raleurs qui esperent toujours du sur mesure
ou du “j’en veux pour mon argent”. Cela reste un evenement unique par
le nombre d’experts en tous genre que savent inviter Geraldine et Loic,
par la diversite des themes… et la qualite des polemiques inevitables !
Bon c’est toujours a Paris. Mais on retourne au Dock comme en 2007,
pas loin d’une societe incroyable qui est en train de reussir quelque
chose d’unique dans le domaine de la vente sur Internet. Devinez qui ?!
Quelques chiffres du Web’09 : 2,500 participants de 15 pays
differents… il n’y a pas d’evenements similaires en France, surement en
Europe. Alors on ne va pas se gener pour dire qu’on y sera.
Dites, c’est quoi le theme cette annee ? Apres Love, le Real Time Web, si vois cherchez des themes, une petite liste pour vous : la video est il le Web3.0 ? (je rigole…) les femmes peuvent elles preparer l’Internet de demain (trop d’hommes dans ce business…) le monde devient il mobile ? (je reviens du Mobile World Congress a Barcelone, je vois du mobile partout) La France, la future Silicon Valley ? (j’ai decide d’essayer de charmer les politiques sur un projet d’incubateur) Internet, enfin du Business Model ! (on peut rever) La France, une source d’inspiration pour la Silicon Valley (autopromo, j’ai le droit…)
Bon, la video de la bande annonce… malheureusement en anglais, sortez vos casques de traduction !
Jérémie Bordier is R&D Engineer at Exalead (French search engine).
The web revolution generated by social network platforms, blogging, microblogging and videoblogging, video online, shopping online had transform mandatory knowledge and skills to manage Internet more and more complex and diversified.
The presentation he made for Ignite event during Velocity Conference is a good example. Have a look at it, and write a summary as a comment to this post. And then let's talk about it!
Altaide Valley has already registered with Le Meur Team to be on LeWeb'09 booth....
Why being there? Well so many good reasons:
- Meet Startup ecosystem. And I do not mean exclusively French one... Even before Web2.0 Expo closed its German Chapter, LeWeb was the main event in this business in Europe. At this moment, Loic is one of the only guy to bring in Europe (and Paris) the more interesting people you can find. If you have a business in Web space, think about it!
- Make the event being an event. Altaide and Altaide Valley are thinking to do something up there.... Too early to make some announcement, we're working on it...
- Good opportunity to network, mingle, schmooze... Well these terms all means the same (just to help you look more smart in some Parisians events)... Use the event for business meetings, don't forget 2009 is a good year to make money!
- Startup entrepreneurs: let's do the Startup Competition! There is no fee to participate in this selection. If selected, you'll need to get a 1.500€ (VAT included) Startup Competition ticket which includes 2 passes to the conference for team members of your company who will present. The StartUp competition application will close on Sept 30, 2009. The format of the competition will be a 6 min presentation on stage. To be selected you need to present a new product @LeWeb'09. It's part of the process to launch a product... And however, cheaper than doing it in the US?! Submit your company!
Here in French an interview about Altaide Valley business with Eric Tenin during last LeWeb'08 Chapter...
Mobile World Congress is next month. Formerly called 3GSM, formerly organized in Cannes (France), now in Barcelona, it's THE worldwide mobile event. As main fragmented market in mobile industry, Europe has reached a sort of leadership based on a rich ecosystem... I mean full of projects, startups working on them... Because to me Asian markets, like Japanese one, is much more matured and profitable... for all the mobile industry as a whole and not just carriers...
Anyways, 4 days of shows and conferences to get a feedback from market, reactivate some contacts, why not close some deals?
I have some standards there: check out the NTT DoCoMo stand, evaluate the space used by mobile content companies (will Gameloft still be there?), discover new entrants (Apple, will you be there?), see what Google will do, check who's coming, who's not.
And this year I hope close some meetings for some companies I'm involved in (TwitRSS for example, check this out), or any I could manage for some others (can't wait!). That's a big place not to miss, to prepare and optimize!
2009 starting, it's predictions time, and mobile is supposed to be in the center of the storm of the so-called crisis. So that's really interesting to get some point of views, and as usual, Fred Dumeny, Mobile veteran, started to ask on Linkedin: " What do you expect in 2009 (in mobile industry)". Just check or give your answer!
I told this, in summary:
I expect more from some actors to push more no limits to mobile industry in digital space:
- manufactors to support more Google Android initiative with their best device
- developers to believe more in Android
- Apple to accept more disruptive applications on AppStore like Qik for example
- Microsoft to play the role this big software company should play
- Nokia, Symbian, still so many investment?
- RIM really becoming a major BtoC device, and playing the game of open user experience?
- ISP to kick more carriers... walled garden
- so called mobile specialists being more objective and more global
focusing, as mobile phone is just another device in digital user
experience, nothing more
- Investors be more selective on mobile startup initiatives but still encouraging the best of them...
In conclusion, more pragmatism and more facts.
I don't expect a lot from carriers, except some of them (do they
really feel they should change something?!). So let's see what kind of
surprises we could have from them with some major strategic 2009 Plans
or infrastructure investment. You bet?!
Rudy Dewale, another mobile expert, just transmitted me his own vision of the situation you can read on his blog, and Zemanta helped me to find this from Andrew Grill. Mark Webster transmitted me this (really device oriented).
It's all open in fact to predict something new! To be honest, I did not see anything new since 2005, except when the iPhone came in the end of 2007. And Android last year. So what's next?!
Thomas Husson is analyst for Jupiter Research. I know him for a long time, and I really like his views on mobile industry. Please read his 2008 reviewed predictions.
Definitely, without any discussion, Demo is a must go or a must apply. This event is a 3 days dedicated to 6 minutes. Maybe your 6 minutes in fact, to show the attendance how your company, your product, your website, your application will bring innovation. The event will take place in March 2009, from 1st to 3rd in Palm Desert, California. Whatever controversies (lot of show business here sometimes), or any comparable events at same period, Demo is a springboard. There are a few place that focuses that much on giving the possibility to launch your brand new thing, you proud entrepreneurs!
There are a lot of Conference with a Start-up Contest in many web or other mobile conferences. But Demo is the big thing, so be ready if you wanna make it big! Some companies presented there (, Six Apart, VMWare...), starting being identified. For some others, was also the possibility to find some buyers (Cisco, Adobe, Google, who knows...)! Demo will be a good opportunity to see if the so called "crises" has a impact on entrepreneurship...
There we go. Tomorrow is D-Day, LeWeb is back for 2 crazy days. I could say 3, coz Open Coffee Paris is proposing today at the Opus Cafe a Before LeWeb Party, starting 7PM. Register here.
This Conference really inspired me last year, and the existence of Altaide Valley started there...
So now we have 3 very exciting events to announce:
French Tech Tour in Silicon Valley with French Trade Office in San Francisco: 10 French Startups to be selected for a one week program in June 2009. CEO's of the chosen companies will be flown to the US for exclusive
meetings with the Valley's potential partners, startups, and VC's. The
Tour will also include a Public Conference dedicated to Valley's Tech
Startups CEOs and culminate in an evening soiree. This Tour is organized by French Trade Office in San Francisco, in collaboration with Altaide Valley. If you're interested, let's meet then at LeWeb, at Altaide's booth, or meet Gatien Gachet from French Trade Office who will be there specially back from San Francisco. Check the 2008 Tour Blog here.
ParisBeta:it's a brand new startup mixer inspired from SF Beta managed by Christian Perry in San Francisco.
We want more space in Paris for startup to talk but most of all show their products, websites, applications, whatever! Have a feedback straight from curious and enthusiastic audience. The #1 will take place in January, we look for 5 startups ready to launch at this time.
Nice location and great sponsor to be announced, we wait for you now!
GeekTrip#3: almost 30 people interested to come with 2nd chapter we organized last month, already 4 guys on Board ready to go...
Q1 will be an interested period to discover Silicon Valley, we have some thoughts regarding a new cycle to come.
If you wanna join, tell us, we will have same format and just 10 guys to drive in California!
We plan to organize it mid February, just after Mobile World Congress in Barcelona... No risk if any are interested to go in Silicon Valley for a mobile focus, and can't make it just one week after... stay tuned!
Could not make it for more than 2 years while I was in charge of mobile business... I have always known that the Orange Camp is THE PLACE TO BE if you wanna accelerate your business flow with Orange. One to one meetings, pitch spots, networking, short conferences: I think I wall have really interesting time over here!
I will represent 2 smart companies there. Tell me if you have any interest!
The Mobile 2.0 conference organized next month in San Francisco Monday November 3rd 2008 provides a platform for pre-A round and A
round start-ups focusing on mobile applications & services looking
for funding and trade press, tech blogger and early-adopter attention.
The only thing entrepreneurs in mobile have to do is fill-in the registration below to apply to present at the
Mobile 2.0 Launch Pad at Mobile 2.0 Event - any start-up with a mobile service or application can apply.
Entering the start-up selection costs $249.00. If your company is
not selected you can apply your payment to the Mobile 2.0 registration
The selected startups will get to present at the Mobile 2.0
launchpad and will also be invited to participate in the -invitation
only- investor breakfast.
Part of the team organizing the event is well known in mobile space, like Rudy De Waele or Daniel Appelquist. See you next month in San Francisco then!
Altaide is a company passionate about
new and high technologies (yes we are
"geek" people), surveying last market trends and share this passion with its customers and candidates.
Our awareness and in-depth knowledge of the High Tech environment allow us to share our competences with our clients.
We draw on our expertise in strategic council, in investment, and in human resources to guide your projects, adding all these dimensions to our work.
We bring unique competence gained from experiments and skills to our software editors and High Tech partners. Jacques Froissant : Founder of Altaïde